Testing of the Connection between Desktop and Mobile Version of Your Website

Testing of the Connection between Desktop and Mobile Version of Your Website

Testing of the Connection between Desktop and Mobile Version of Your Website


Redirect testing:


  • mobile visitors of a website must be redirected to mobile version of this e-commerce resource;
  • desktop visitors of a website must be redirected to its desktop version;
  • the redirecting makes it possible for a website’s visitors to access a particular page that they really need but not to a main page;
  • mobile visitors should not have any difficulty in finding a desktop version of the website.


Checking Vary-HTTP header. If your websites are dynamic you have to set Vary-HTTP header in order to inform Google and browsers of the difference between the user agent and HTML.


Checking rel = alternate / canonical tags/. If there is single URL on your websites, working pages must be set up by means of rel = «alternate», tag, pointing to mobile version of this page. Mobile web pages must be set up with rel = “canonical” tag pointing to desktop version of this page.


Testing of technical issues:


  • XML sitemap for mobile;
  • all mobile web pages must be sent to Google through mobile XML sitemap in Google tools for webmasters;
  • mobile pages must be separated from desktop pages.


The speed of a mobile web site. Mobile web users are likely to have a limited amount time to use your web app and therefore you must make your site to load faster. There are popular websites speed test tools: WebPagetest, Google page speed tool.


Storage and data:


  • make sure that a program code is inaccessible;
  • the user does not clear cache so ascertain that nothing will be broken during the use.


10 tips for optimizing a mobile version of your website


In conclusion there are 10 tips that will help you to check if mobile version of your website is available for its visitors:


  1. Ensure that the mobile version is compatible with smartphones and tablets.
  2. Optimize page loading time of your website.
  3. Build a simple navigation system for your website.
  4. Make sure that buttons are large enough for the people with big fingers to easily tap.
  5. There are no text blocks. Use markers and write only short sentences.
  6. Never use Flash.
  7. Avoid using pop-up windows.
  8. Make sure that all images have the correct size.
  9. Check that your mobile number in turned into hyperlinks to be dialed with one click.
  10. Make sure that your website can discover your whereabouts (your lost phone) at any time via GPS.


So, now we know when it is the right time to test a mobile website, therefore let us consider some testing mobile web testing tools and testing techniques. BTW, it is always wise to resort to professional website testing services, especially if these are delivered by experienced and qualified specialists, such as the staff of Testmatick team.   

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